Fernando S. Gallegos

Fernando S. Gallegos

My name is Fernando S. Gallegos and I am a fellow traveler, explorer, researcher, musician, photographer, and filmmaker from San Jose, California. I’ve had a long passion for exploring mysterious legends, myths, and esoteric traditions centered around indigenous cultures.

Disclaimer: This blog represents my personal views and opinions! It does not reflect the opinions or views of any person, institution, or organization with which I may be affiliated in a professional capacity. The views expressed here are not meant to offend or malign any religion, ethnic group, club, organization, company, or individual.

Ancient Esoteric Healing Techniques

Brief History of Esoteric Initiation

            In ancient times neophytes would travel through far and vast lands to fulfill wisdom of something much greater than themselves. To the ancients, their worldview was divided into two parts, an exoteric and esoteric. Within the exoteric realm there consisted of everything within the physical and having to do with our deep understanding of our seen world, of which these teachings were of the utmost basic. Within the esoteric world, however, there lay the true inner mysteries and workings of our universe, as well as a deep-seated path to true enlightenment. Hundreds of people would set forth on a quest to find these deeper answers and to enable themselves to become something much greater. The original mystery schools lay in what is now Egypt. Philosophers such as Plato, Pythagoras, Euclid, Socrates, Aristotle, Herodotus, Solon, Heraclitus, Plotinus, and Hippocrates were all initiated into these Egyptian mystery schools. The wisdom gathered together from these mystery schools were later taken back to their homelands, in most cases being Greece, and from there, individualistic schools of thought arose. What exactly was taught within these mystery schools remains unknown, however, there are still remnant esoteric groups which still claim to maintain remnant secret teachings dating back to these original ancient Egyptian mystery schools.

Sacred symbolism taught to these initiates long ago constituted a great significance to each individual. As they were initiated into higher and higher degrees the interpretations of symbols went beyond into the heart of consciousness which lay within each individual. The great mysteries were thus presented to them in the form of initiatic rites and ceremonies which were reenacted symbolically through the epic of Osiris and Isis. The symbolic interpretations of these tales was for each individual to decipher. Through the interpretations of these reenactments, it was speculated, that a person could then apply the symbolism to themselves. The esoteric universal principles taught a type of unification to a divine source, and how through mastery of oneself could one reach a level of attunement beyond anything previously imaginable.

One of the highest known of esoteric teachings in Egypt was that of Thoth. It is still unknown what exactly the book of Thoth possessed but author Manly P. Hall speculated as to what it may have contained; “its pages were covered with strange hieroglyphic figures and symbols, which gave those acquainted with their use unlimited power over the spirits of the air and subterranean divinities. When certain areas of the brain are stimulated by the secret processes of the Mysteries, the consciousness of man is extended and he is permitted to behold the Immortals and enter into the presence of the superior gods” (The Secret Teachings of All Ages pg 38). Furthermore, according to Manly P. Hall, the secret teachings from these Egyptian Priests, whom possessed the ‘Book of Thoth’, are still out there somewhere being transmitted in secret form among lineages of mystics.

From Egypt to Europe

After the fall of the Egyptian Empire, the teachings fell into obscure hands throughout various regions. Many of these teachings were continued to be widely circulated within the Islamic Empire that later followed. It has been speculated that it was not until the Crusades when the Knight Templars obtained and later withheld a lot of these secret teachings brought back with them from the Holy Land. Through initiatic rituals these rites, along with ancient secrets, were passed down to the neophytes as they were originally in Egypt. Though the specific context of the rituals and ceremonies were not the same as in ancient Egypt, though they maintained the same symbolic and key esoteric teachings.

An example of one of the supposed teachings obtained during this time was that of the ‘Great Work’ otherwise known as Alchemy. The word Alchemy originates from the words al-kimia literally meaning from Egypt in Arabic. The knights brought this knowledge with them back to Europe where a lot of the writings were translated into Latin and were passed down in secret for the centuries to come. It is interesting to note that Pope John XXII, around 1310, issued a decree which banned any practice of alchemy. And in 1541, Paracelsus, one the last of the great alchemists was murdered by the Church and ironically ended the age of Alchemy and yet started the age of Chemistry in Europe. The subject of Alchemy will be discussed more in depth at a later time when I go over esoteric healing.

These esoteric initiatic practices were carried throughout Europe during the expansion of the Knight Templars in the 10-13th century. In utmost secrecy they pledged many into the deepest of arcane wisdom gathered from the Arabs in the middle east. Among some of the mysteries one was initiated into were that of the true story of Jesus of which the Roman Catholic Church feared the most. It was not until 1307 when King Philip IV of France pressured Pope Clement V to prosecute the Knights (due to his large banking debt), that the Knight Templars finally came to their end. Or did they?

The secret initiations and teachings of these mystic Knights somehow survived through the deadly inquisitions and survived within the deepest of esoteric circles. This is most evident when analyzing the practices and secret degrees amongst the Freemasons and Rosicrucians which still exist to this day and still carry out their teachings and rituals. ‘The Brotherhood of the Rosy Cross’  did not officially come about until 1610 with the publication of the Fama Fraternitatis written by Christian Rosenkreuz. This is when, historically speaking, the ‘Order of the Rose Cross’ finally comes into the public sphere, though its teachings span back to the original Egyptian initiatic teachings.

Tracing Back the Roots of Rosicrucian Healing

The Secret Rosicrucian Society known especially for their esoteric healing techniques Throughout the world the Rosicrucians are most known for their healing practices prior to the 1900’s when it was kept a well-guarded secret. There seems to be an ongoing collection of these teachings which still exist to this day. Tracing back these teachings to a given source is no easy task. The origins, however, can be pinpointed to two distinct groups of the ancient world; The Egyptians and the Essenes. The Egyptians had detailed knowledge of the human body and through this, this knowledge was probably taught within the secrets of healing inside the Mystery Schools. This would be the only explanation as to how this knowledge got handed down through the centuries. In fact, Egyptians had such a vast anatomical knowledge of the human body before William Harvey (1578- 1626) came out and ‘discovered’ systemic circulation. It’s interesting to note that William Harvey was a devotee of Sir Francis Bacon, who was a Rosicrucian. It was also not until the early 1900’s when they discovered the Edwin Smith Papyrus which dated back to the 17th century BCE that proved an intimate knowledge of Egyptian medicine, anatomical, and circulatory systematic correlations. Once thought to be written by Imhotep, ‘God of Medicine’, but since has been disproved for it seems to have three different authors. These fragments are all that is left providing a link between Rosicrucian healing and that of ancient Egypt. Perhaps, if the Mystery Schools had passed down the teachings in writing and not solely orally, perhaps we could have more of a suggestive piece of evidence.

Another interesting piece of speculated evidence comes from Hippocrates in the 4th Century BCE.  The ‘Hippocratic Oath’ is still used to this very day, and because it was known that Hippocrates was initiated into the Mystery Schools, perhaps we can find deeper clues as to ethical conduct not just for medicinal practices but also for healing.

I swear by Apollo Physician and Asclepius and Hygeia and Panaceia and all the gods and goddesses, making them my witnesses, that I will fulfill according to my ability and judgment this oath and this covenant:

To hold him who has taught me this art as equal to my parents and to live my life in partnership with him, and if he is in need of money to give him a share of mine, and to regard his offspring as equal to my brothers in male lineage and to teach them this art – if they desire to learn it – without fee and covenant; to give a share of precepts and oral instruction and all the other learning to my sons and to the sons of him who has instructed me and to pupils who have signed the covenant and have taken an oath according to the medical law, but no one else.

I will apply dietetic measures for the benefit of the sick according to my ability and judgment; I will keep them from harm and injustice.

I will neither give a deadly drug to anybody who asked for it, nor will I make a suggestion to this effect. Similarly I will not give to a woman an abortive remedy. In purity and holiness I will guard my life and my art.

I will not use the knife, not even on sufferers from stone, but will withdraw in favor of such men as are engaged in this work.

Whatever houses I may visit, I will come for the benefit of the sick, remaining free of all intentional injustice, of all mischief and in particular of sexual relations with both female and male persons, be they free or slaves.

What I may see or hear in the course of the treatment or even outside of the treatment in regard to the life of men, which on no account one must spread abroad, I will keep to myself, holding such things shameful to be spoken about.

If I fulfill this oath and do not violate it, may it be granted to me to enjoy life and art, being honored with fame among all men for all time to come; if I transgress it and swear falsely, may the opposite of all this be my lot.

Modern Day Rosicrucian Healing

            It’s no wonder most of the people who made the greatest strides within the field of science were all Rosicrucians; Sir Francis Bacon, Isaac Newton, René Descartes, Ben Franklin, etc. It has been mentioned that Rosicrucian membership today consists largely of those within the medical field as well as those within various scientific fields. One such Rosicrucian group, AMORC, has been headquartered within San Jose, California since the 1920’s.  Interestingly enough, there was once a Rosicrucian University, which had on staff full-time scientists and other specialists conducting research, much of which has not been made public. At one point in time there was even a healing clinic on site, however, it was shut down due to legal implications. The Rosicrucians state directly that the healing practices gathered together come directly from Egyptian tradition, and the Essenes, of which they hold ‘secret manuscripts’ and doctrines to that regard and of which the Rosicrucian student learns. These Rosicrucian students must then follow a strict code of ethics and rules of conduct. The overall fundamental purpose of their teachings is to branch the purely scientific principles with those of the mystical (speculative).

According to the Rosicrucians, illness and suffering within the human body are things which can be completely avoided. Medication acts solely as a temporary solution which does not eliminate the problem, rather the body remains the only thing that can completely return itself to the original healthy state. Living in harmony within the natural laws, according to the Rosicrucians, one can then live a pure life in which there will be no manifestation of illness. Rosicrucian healing is not considered to be a substitute for medicine, rather, healing is regarded as a complementary or even last resort alternative. On a spiritual level they believe that illness originates within the spiritual body, due to countless reasons within a persons life. Over time, if left unattended, the physical body then starts to succumb to natural illnesses. I use the analogy of a chain, each link representing a possible illness, over time the stresses within the spiritual body will slowly start to pull the chain from either end, and whichever link breaks will bring an amount a gradual manifestation in the physical body.

A Rosicrucian healer must then fully understand and memorize human anatomy to a very detailed degree. With this knowledge, they must then incorporate these ancient healing techniques (regarding the application of energy) to the Autonomic Nervous System which consists of both the parasympathetic nervous system and the sympathetic nervous system. Every part (organs, etc) and functions of the human body are linked up to a series of ganglions along the spinal cord and through the application of energy can stimulate various conditions to their original healthy state. Thus, through the re-balance of the spiritual body one can return it to its original state by applying this ethereal energy through its application on the Autonomic Nervous System.

The last form of Rosicrucian healing is that of Alchemy, which was passed down through the centuries and was even taught by the Rosicrucian Order (Ancient and Mystical Order Rosae Crucis). A more specific form of Alchemy is Spagyricus, otherwise known as ‘plant alchemy’ and is still in use today.  Spagyricus literally translated from Greek means “ [to] separate and recombine.” A well-known Alchemist of our modern time, was Frater Albertus (aka Dr. Richard Albert Riedel) who was known to follow the esoteric teachings of Paracelsus. Spagyricus, used within Rosicrucian healing practices, consists of the mastery over certain elements which enable one to experience a ‘perfect harmony’ on deeper levels. The knowledge of Spagyricus brings about mastery over the spiritual body and can give rise to not just perfect health, but rather a deeper understand of one in relation to the natural world. The ultimate goal within the practice of Spagyricus is to bring about a profound and deep level of unification to Cosmic Consciousness.

In conclusion, there seems to be a deeper progression to try and find alternative answers and teachings so that we can gather a more in depth understanding of ourselves in relation to the universe. It is through these esoteric teachings that true answers can be resolved, as they have throughout the centuries. And it is up to the curious neophytes of our present time to seek-out these age-old teachings which remain unfiltered through time. The esoteric mastery over life will always stand the test of time, for in the end they will be the only thing of real great importance. While everything else fails, great civilizations come and go, it is through a single path of understanding which will always remain. In harmony with that of the natural world, there will always be one truth.

Rosicrucian Healing Techniques

The following are a few secretive techniques that were reserved only to initiates. Before beginning the process you must balance yourself. Try both counterbalancing techniques to see which one best works for you.

Balancing Yourself

*Counterbalancing a Negative State

  1. Sit down allowing your back to be completely straight. Allow your feet to be equally separated and flat on the floor. Pinch the first three fingers (index, middle and thumb) of each hand together in the shape of a triangle.
  2. Close eyes and relax for several seconds. Take a few deep breaths through the nose and hold it in for seven seconds and then slowly release. Rest for a quick second or two and then repeat.
  3. Repeat seven times.

*Counterbalancing an Over-Positive State

  1. Sit down allowing your back to be completely straight but this time make sure your feet are touching (though flat on the floor) and your fingertips on each hand touching. (In other words, thumb to thumb, index to index, etc.) Raise the hands and keep them above your solar plexus.
  2. Close eyes and relax for several seconds. Take a deep breath and exhale completely. Once all the air is out of your lungs hold for roughly five seconds.
  3. Relax and take five to six slow normal breathes.
  4. Repeat (steps 2 and 3) five times.

Helpful Hints:

*It usually takes a long time to recognize your own body to determine what treatment is best.

*Remember to this daily. If need be repeat several times throughout the day but always wait at least 2 to 3 hours between treatments.

*Once you are done do not think about it and get it completely out of your mind.

*Counterbalancing an Over-Positive State (also known as the negative treatment) is especially effective in treating colds in the early stages.

Contacting the Subconscious Mind of the Sufferer

Though it may sound difficult, the purpose of contacting another person’s subconscious is so that you may be able to heal without having to be directly there with the person. The main key is to lose touch with your own conscious mind so that you may be able to create a direct link with the person in question.  Though through deep meditation or projection one is able to achieve a direct link with an individual, those methods do take many years to master. There is a quicker way in achieving the same results, though, you must still continue on trying to master meditation as a means to ultimately help others.  The quicker method (as opposed to deep meditation) actually involves the mental stimulation of the conscious mind. In other words, you give your conscious mind a task, thus distracting it, in order for the subconscious to achieve what it needs to.  There are several methods in order to achieve the same results, but the one that I have found works best (and simplest) is that of the Mental Telephone.

This Mental Telephone system was created by Ben Bibb and elaborated upon by Joseph Weed.  All it requires is the strong use of imagination and concentration.  It may take some people longer than others to actually succeed in this process, but in due time anyone can master it. It is best to maintain a long list of people so that you can try various people back and forth and not the same person more than twice a day.

Before proceeding:

You must desire above all else to contact the other person. If you are not in the mood or don’t want to, then do not attempt. As Yoda said, “Do, or do not. There is no try.

You must understand and know the person you want to contact. You do not have to personally know the individual, however, you must be able to known the person’s name, sex, age, and location.

The person must have some ailment or injury that you want to heal. You must have a purpose or intention for undergoing this process, and not for sole benefit of one’s own ego.  If you undergo the process to indulge the ego, you will fail every time. You cannot fool the inner self.

The Process:

Once you have met the necessary requirements, sit upright with your back straight in a place where you will not be disturbed. Take three deep breathes and relax your whole being.

When you are fully relaxed, visualize yourself picking up a telephone and mentally dialing the person you wish to make contact with.

If you know the actual number then mentally dial it, if not, then make one up (using the appropriate number of digits). Or you can ask an operator to connect you by giving the name and location.

After two rings you should receive and answer. Sometimes another person may pick up, just simply tell them that you wish to talk to the specific person. Or, simply imagine the person you wish to talk to picking up. Sometimes you may not be able to understand the person, but regardless you must continue.

State your name to them followed by your purpose. For example, “I believe your physical body may be suffering. Would you like me to try to heal it?” Sometimes you will receive a strong NO, and if that is the case just simply disconnect. If you receive a YES, then continue by asking the individual if they would indicate the part of their physical body that needs attention by placing their hand over it.

See them doing so with your imagination. Do not doubt what you will see, but accept it as fact.  Once you understand the location that needs help, or the general illnesses, then you are ready to apply a healing technique.

Warning: Strong concentration is needed, that is why I urge sufficient mastery of meditation beforehand. If during the process you even think about anything else, the results can be disastrous. Even if you have to move in your chair, or cross your legs, or even scratching an itch, it would result in you breaking the contact and you will have to stop and start over another day.



Additional Reading:


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